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BG2 Content Progress

Quests, Talks, and More



The Coronavirus is really a disruptor on daily life, and I hope everyone is staying okay. It has both helped and hindered progress on this mod, with work projects taking up more time ,but also allowing more time.

There's several aspects of the BG2 mod that need to be done before release. These are NPC Quests, Mechanics, Dialogue, Banters, Interjections, Epilogues, and Music. Quests are about 40% done. Mechanics are 100% done. Dialogue is probably somewhere around 10%, while Banters, Interjections, and Epilogues have not been started. Music is probably around 75% done.

In a month I'll put up another progress report on the site. You can also check the support page on the Beamdog forums, where updates on progress are more specifically detailed and frequent.